
August 12, 2024
A multi day sail crossing of Lake Baikal flying the flag of Institute TOMS

This year TOMS team has crossed the world’s deepest lake Baikal on a swift-sailing yacht

July 22, 2024
Visit to the construction site of the copper plant MOF-3 of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex

TOMS specialists have visited the construction site of the copper plant MOF-3 of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (Uzbekistan). The construction has been implemented within an investment project “Development of Yoshlik I deposit”. The deposit is rich in such valuable metals as gold, copper, silver, and molybdenum

October 06, 2023
Institute TOMS took part in an annual contest “Russian Mining Award”

Institute TOMS took part in an annual contest “Russian Mining Award” which is informally called “Mining Oscar”. The contest is aimed at an independent evaluation and promotion of the best achievements in various fields of mining and processing industry.

October 06, 2023
Institute TOMS participated in the 19th Mining Forum MINEX Russia 2023 held in Moscow

In October 2023, Institute TOMS participated in the 19th Mining Forum MINEX Russia 2023 held in Moscow

October 05, 2023
Institute TOMS became a title sponsor of the International Conference “Plaksin Readings – 2023”

Institute TOMS became a title sponsor of the International Conference “Plaksin Readings – 2023” which was held in Moscow on October 2nd – 5th.

Main page/Design


Development of pre-design, design and detailed documentation is one of the main activities of Institute TOMS.

Flexibility in the distribution of work within the company and an advanced project management approach with the use of software systems allow the Institute to fully employ its labour resource in the most efficient way.

Application of BIM (building information modelling) technology with the creation of virtual 3D models of facilities under design makes it possible to accomplish a scope of works of any complexity in a short time frame.

The use of advanced software packages as a working tool for designers maximizes the speed of design, increases labour efficiency, and eliminates inconsistency of design solutions between related design sections.

Institute TOMS elaborates following types of design documentation:

  • Conceptual foundation for implementation of a processing complex including technical and economic comparisons, technical and economic estimates, basic design and process solutions with a comparison of process flow options, machine flow sheets, layout arrangements, etc.;
  • All types of feasibility studies;
  • Design documentation as specified by Decree of the Russian Government No. 87 dated February 2008 "On the structure of design documentation sections and requirements to their content" both for greenfield projects and existing projects under renovation;
  • Detailed design documentation in accordance with Russian national standards GOST R 21.1101-2013, GOST 21.401-88 and other normative documents regulating the requirements for detailed documentation;
  • Design engineering for the primary processing of minerals (process flowsheet) as specified by section III of the Order of Ministry of Natural resources of the Russian Federation No. 218 dated June 2010 "On approval of requirements to the structure and execution of design documentation for development of mineral deposits, suspension and abandonment of mining operations, and primary processing of minerals»;
  • Documentation for technical modernization of hazardous industrial facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal law No. 116-FZ "On industrial safety of hazardous industrial facilities" dated July 1997;
  • Information modelling with the level of detail of digital 3D models at least LOD 300, and ­LOD 400­ for process operation;
  • Graphic and animation materials for existing or designed facilities.

Institute TOMS is mainly involved in the design of such facilities as:
  • Industrial projects (processing plants, mining and processing complexes, heap leaching facilities, ore stockpiles, crushing and screening facilities);
  • Infrastructure facilities:
  • Human and vehicle security checkpoints;
  • Shift camps;
  • Office and amenity buildings;
  • Laboratories (fire assay, analytical, processing, environmental, etc.);
  • Mechanical repair shops;
  • Storage facilities (reagents and grinding media stores, supplies and fuel storages, etc.);
  • Power supply facilities, including main stepdown substations;
  • Utility networks and structures;
  • Mine rescue brigade and fire facilities;
  • Modular boilers;
  • Other facilities required to ensure the smooth operation of a processing plant.

Institute TOMS guides the developed design documentation through the appropriate expert reviews until receipt of an affirmative expert statement:

  • Design documentation stage is subject to:
  • State Environmental Expert Review;
  • Main State Expert Review (by RF State Expert Review Board);
  • Detailed documentation stage is not subject to any expert review, but accepted directly by a client;
  • Design engineering for the primary processing of minerals is subject to approval by the Russian Federal Agency of Subsoil Use;
  • Documentation for technical modernization is subject to the industrial safety expert review in a designated licensed organization.

Institute TOMS is ready to provide qualified design supervision for a facility construction period.


Examples of completed projects

Gold processing plant at Aleksandrovskoye deposit, Trans-Baikal Territory, 0.75 Mtpa, 2013
Gold processing plant at Ametistovoye deposit, Kamchatka Territory, 0.6 Mtpa, 2015
Alluvial gold processing plant, Trans-Baikal Territory, 1999
Modular gold plant at Badran deposit, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 2001

Gold processing plant of 0.8 Mtpa at Zapadnoye deposit, Irkutsk region, 2005
Grinding section of gold processing plant at Zapadnoye deposit, Irkutsk Region, 2005
Modular gold plant at At-Uryakh deposit, Magadan Region, 2007
Copper processing plant of 4 Mtpa at Nurkazgan deposit, Kazakhstan, 2007

Copper processing plant of 4 Mtpa at Nurkazgan deposit, Kazakhstan, 2007 Crushing in HPGR, ball grinding, flotation
Gold processing plant at Tardan deposit, Republic of Tuva, 2005
Gold processing plant of 1.5 Mtpa at Belaya Gora deposit, Khabarovsk Territory, 2013 Grinding section (SAG-BM)
Modular gold plant at Kedrovskoye deposit, Republic of Buryatia, 1997

Gold processing plant of 1.5 Mtpa at Belaya Gora deposit, Khabarovsk Territory, 2013 Ball grinding, classification
Dzhida tungsten&molybdenum processing plant, Republic of Buryatia, 2008
Modular gold plant at Badran deposit, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 2001 Ball grinding in rubber roller mills, three-stage centrifugal separation
Modular gold plant at Shkolnoye deposit, Magadan Region, 1997 Ball grinding, fine screening, two-stage centrifugal separation

Gold processing plant of 8 Mtpa at Vasilkovskoye / Altyntau deposit, Kazakhstan, 2009 HPGR - BM - Gravity - Flotation - UFG - Leachox - CIL
Gold processing plant at Vasilkovskoye / Altyntau deposit, Kazakhstan HPGR
Gold processing plant at Vasilkovskoye / Altyntau deposit, Kazakhstan Classification
Gold processing plant at Vasilkovskoye / Altyntau deposit, Kazakhstan Flotation section


Reference list for design works

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