TOMS specialists have visited the construction site of the copper plant MOF-3 of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (Uzbekistan). The construction has been implemented within an investment project “Development of Yoshlik I deposit”. The deposit is rich in such valuable metals as gold, copper, silver, and molybdenum
Mineralogical research includes sample preparation for the studies, petrographic, chemical and mineral content study of different types of ore, detailed study of base ore minerals characteristics with their chemical composition determination, as well as precious metals characteristics.
Conventional and innovative research methods using state-of-the-art equipment are used in mineralogical investigations.
The study of material composition includes the following types of works and research:
- preparation of transparent, polished and pellet specimens;
- material size distribution characteristics with basic elements determination in size fractions;
- petrographic composition study;
- material chemical composition determination together with separate phases of valuable components;
- mineralogical analysis with determination of ore quantitative mineral composition;
- determination of ore sulphidity and oxidation level;
- study of heavy fractions composition using both a stereomicroscope and a polarization microscope for briquette specimens;
- image analysis of ore minerals using a mineralogical analyzer Mineral-C7 for solid materials;
- physical and chemical characteristics of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium;
- size distribution characteristics of any valuable component;
- gold and silver phase analysis;
- automated mineralogical quantitative analysis using the Qemscan system (Quanta FEG-650 F SEM, iDiscover software).