Institute TOMS became a title sponsor of the International Conference “Plaksin Readings – 2023” which was held in Moscow on October 2nd – 5th.
September 11, 2023, the President of Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, took part in launching two landmark mining projects. They are Stage II of the gold plant within Pavlik mining and processing complex, and the concentrator plant of Udokan mining and metallurgical complex. Both projects were implemented on the basis of the process solutions developed by Institute TOMS.
In December 2022 Institute TOMS successfully proved its expertise for compliance with requirements GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”
Analytical chemistry
Institute TOMS is accredited according to federal standard GOST R, international standard ISO/IEC 17025-2019 and uses methods that were developed according to requirements of international and Russian systems of mineral resources evaluation. The results of analytical research satisfy the demands of the State Committee for reserves. Each year Institute TOMS takes part in the international laboratory proficiency tests (Round Robin) of Geostats Pty Ltd (Australia).
Analytical laboratory equipment and basic services include:
- Modern highly productive complex for sample crushing, reduction and attrition (New Zealand, Russia);
- Smelting and assay furnaces, FAA (Russia, Australia);
- Highly precise weighing equipment (Germany);
- Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers (ICP-OES) for multiple elements analysis (Australia, USA);
- Atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) to define the content of precious and nonferrous metals, and different impurities;
- Scanning spectrophotometer (Australia), and a full set of equipment for conventional chemical analysis (Russia, USA);
- Sulphur and carbon analyzer (USA);
- Laser sizers for determination of sample size characteristics (Germany, Netherlands);
- Modern methods for gold content determination in samples containing coarse free metal (Canada, Russia);
- Laboratory system for sample acid decomposition (USA);
- Microwave system of sample autoclave decomposition (Italy).