Institute TOMS became a title sponsor of the International Conference “Plaksin Readings – 2023” which was held in Moscow on October 2nd – 5th.
September 11, 2023, the President of Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, took part in launching two landmark mining projects. They are Stage II of the gold plant within Pavlik mining and processing complex, and the concentrator plant of Udokan mining and metallurgical complex. Both projects were implemented on the basis of the process solutions developed by Institute TOMS.
In December 2022 Institute TOMS successfully proved its expertise for compliance with requirements GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”
Positive appraisal report of the Federal autonomous institution “Main Department of State Expertise” for the project “Lebedinsky GOK, JSC. Processing plant. Flotation Complex”
In November 2022, a positive appraisal report of the Federal autonomous institution “Main Department of State Expertise” was received for the project “Lebedinsky GOK, JSC. Processing plant. Flotation Complex”. All sections of the design documentation for construction of the Flotation Complex were fully elaborated by Institute TOMS. Report No. 31-1-1-3-081839 was included in the Unified State Register of the appraisal reports in November 23, 2022. The Flotation Complex should allow the iron concentrate to be upgraded to 71% and above. The Complex throughput will be 9.5 Mtpa on the head feed basis.